Mofes hiJ selfi.;a~i#41t. ~· were, when they appreh~ndcd them' a~ f-utt~rt. ,. ·. ; ~ Thirdly; tLereis a greatdealeof dif- .ference in,the fram,t; of ama..ns heart ., tq ' his own feeling when .~Js lufts lye fltll,· from tbat .wpich there is when they · tome to be fli t riNg ·: {ometi~es mens corruptions are refirai,ned , and are very ' quiet, and then they have good refolu- ' ~. tions ·'a~ other till_les their . corruptions 1 ., . • > arelhrrmg aud achve;·and then they are , t , quite off trom that they were, the,mind is blinced, the heirt is carried on v.o· kntly in wayes cenrrary to former refolutions. Fou,thly,-menknow notthejirengih , 1{ tem;tations btfore they meet with them, they ~hink it is an eafie matter to I ,, to encounter with them, but when they I come, they fiode them farre (honger... then they i~aginc:d, and the_y not being 1 1 prepared for fuch ftrc:ngth, ate overcome by them. . . Fifthly, it may be when fufferings come;meniliall notfinde t~lat , com.fort, that encouragement, that they expeEied . either from God or ~en, they ( ir may be) made account of, and promifed ~o . thew-