Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

Mofes hiJ Se/ft-tlet~i~/1. :a,~I themfe lves g1eat matters, that furely "hdr pains.and rro4bles would b~ much eafed with the comforts ~hey ' fhould have)andmany would encou rage them, · and,it may b,,, when ir comes too,~~ey may be lcfr. de folate , 114 "h111le in tl!e f••~tk; as Daviq fp c:2ksof him{elf. God tnar.y rimes even in fuffcr~ngs withdraws hi!t.l felf from his qwn people for a · w~iJe,for theirtryall; anq cho 'e from whom they 'expi dcd comfort may leave, th :-m, and grow Change _un~o them: Now if~hcrebe no ~ igher principle then on~s. own refolurion-s, the hearc will fJile: lo fuch a cafe, there had r:ef;d b:? Faith to carry through. , ~eft. But may we not rej,/ve then afo;ehand wbatwewilldoe! eAnfw. M.wy upon hea ri~g how others fail, in performing r ~dr refolutions,and that a man may be v:ryconfidentofwh1r he will doe , and yet when it<;om<>s to try.. all, do noch ·ng; therefo;c ~hey 1hink it is in vain to refolve.,they go on in a flighc 1 r;egligenr WJy) and never endeavour to bring their hearts to any re{hlutiona,t all,tn,yfay.wecandoenothingof our I fdvcs, God mufi doe all, no m~~ can 1 . . know,