Mofes hi! Stlf-denia/1. there is anoth_er kin~e of Jtlf-deoyall then that y.rhtc~ anfeth froQ1 any 0• , principle : Now this is to be ex· ... ·am: ned ; ic ·concerns us mt~ch to know ' 'the root arid pri~~ i pl c· fronl v.hence all diat we doe or {i:fE r comes, God looks moft at tl}at ; there may be beautifull flowers grow out of a fiinking Root, . gloriOlJS aaions m~y proc~~d from NaturaO Principles~ W h~refore, for rryaH , . let ~s ex~ mine .the di~crc:nc~s / that there are b ~ tween one that ts carryed through fufferinfs by naturaq fl~uttltjfe {)/ Jpirit , and another that is\ carryed through by F~1ith. ~econdly, the differerces · betvt·een Pride and \ ·Faith, 1n thi~ wQrk. Thirdly , ,the dif- . fc.rencts between Faith , and t:1e firength of Nat~~'tt!l confcicnce. . . · For the fi 0:, t., ke .dF[e Notes. ~~~~f~~~l- . Firfi, where fdf~ denya11 is from Na- 'rall ftout tar all Principles, it is bu ~ particular, f1c~e. not univertalJ. in fame eminent thing, x. · ~ naturalt I pint may denie it fdf; bu i: 4 ppon examination it may appeare, tiar . i.n . other thir;1gs it mak~s fc<r its t~d , l even in. things where G?d requnes \ 1~lfe.,9enyall, ~as ~uc~ as 1n th ,- o~ber ~- I \\ h:r a~,