Mo!es his Sllfo·deniltlt ofChrill, that bath daunted the beans ofcheir enemies..As we read,Atls 4· 1 j. · when the Rulers, Elders, andScribes, 1 faw thP botdneffi'of Peter and :John, and· perce:ved that · they wtre lffl., /earned ·and . ignor~tr;t me#, they marveUed, and the! · teoke knowledge 'fthem,that they had beene with :Jefm. It was their being wi1h · Jcfus, it was theirfoit~ in Chrift, that ' rayfcd them highe!r then their aaturall Principles, fo as to make \heir enemjes . to wonder at them. Sixtly, the power ofr~fifiing fufferings, that comf;s from NA-tRraU Prin.. tiples' is not a fruit of much .humi liation , brokenne1fe of heart , fecking of . God afore hand~ When Efther was in hazard, when !he was to goeabout a worke, whcreinallherhonourandher l-ifemu!\: be ventured, !he fals to fofting and praJer, and ca1.1feth others to foft and pray for her; and fo file cam~ to that rC"[oi.udon, If I perijh I per.ifh. Men full of .ft.outneffi, and .natural! &ourage, thinke that mournings for finne, break· ings of the heart in godJy forrow , . keeping downe the Soule in humiliation, make' men tim0rous, and Co- ' T wares; 1 ' 2II