·-· '\ t •••• ~ • .2x2. · M o lC,~ hu $ elft~t/tnial!; ' wards; that i~ ab~tcs) if not w,holly rakes away the1r va 'ourand ftoutrieffe i but Gods_ people nc:"ver find more cou .. rage arid heaveri'y fortitude., then af..: ccr .much humiliation for finn~ ; the mO're brokenneffe of hea! t for finne; the inore (toutndf~ and courage in refift- (ng o[fifine, and in fuffering ariy c:vi~J; tathtr then to admit arly .finik ~ Wicked nten indeed hatTe ftou~neffe and courage, f~H the maintaining oLtbeir . lufis, tn· \vhich the- courage and ftoutneffeofthe world isefpecially let our~ but all the cqurage Bnd fl:o~~nelle of godly men, is in oppo£ihg,of finne;and · in doing and fuffcring to1 God · Sevchthly, 1f there be onely natuntll ftrengrhto en:jb(e to a willingndte ro venture upon any way of fi1ff~_ting; ~ there cannot b: rharconfidence of a: gu,od i}foe_r.hat Fai~b ? · i~gs w.i_-h it , where_ , thatts the Pnnctple; Fatth can affi1re the Sou le, thatthe iifue {hall be gooEi) whacfoever feemes.. eo the contrarie, s although the fufferings feeme robe never f.o black and difmall, Faith can· looke beyond all to· a g lorious iff~e, and through the aflurancc' ·ofthrs, can . _ . - ~ _. keep~_ ) ' . ' -