Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

Mofes hil Selfi-tleniAII. 213 keepethe Soul.. in a fpirituali ~avealy fecurity, in the midft of all eviUs that do: b~ fall it. The confidence of &1t . glorious iifue of all fuffcrings, tbat the Faith of SaintP4,uJ rayfed his heart unto, ~ C 1r. 4-1 7, 1.8•. is .very re~arkable. F'r llir lighl Aj{ltllt~s, which 11 hut (!r 4 mome11t (faytb be) worketh for 114 A fqre m()rteXrceeding®d eternAl weight if glory, while we toDke not AI things. that are feene, but At the things that qe HQ.t flene, &t.. Eightly ~ NaturaU Printiples cannot w~lcome affiittions with fuch i~J and delight as F4ith can. Ho have the , N~Vtyrs· k:ffed and tmbraced the Stake., acc0uncing that day the bappidl day that ever they faw. It is faid of the Ch ' ifiians in rhe I o. H e/J. 3 4~ Th.tt tl;ey fofered with joJ the f}PJ ling '()j their g1~dr. FJich do.s\not oneJy tnablc to fuff~r , with pA·!ience, but to fu1fcr with joy.. And Rom. ~. ~. Saint Paul fayth , Jt'erejoyce in trtbulations. ,Now otheors by thc:ir naturall courase may encounter , ·w·· thaffii:'tion ~, and.pr-rhaps they may . . e-ndure them with fume pl.tience, ~J>H~, •·thcy-c1n_n Jt thusrtjoyct in.rhem. -.., .... Nmthly, where: Nat11ra/i Str~ngth 9• --~------------~~,-$-. ~~~n~~~~l-;~ ' ---~ -~~