Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

3. Thjrdly, a pr~ud heart d€>es not frre-ng;then ir (elf fo muc-h in fuffering", ' wirh theconfolaridns ofGod,thefw"et . ofthe promifes, as it doth with its ownfolfi-prPNtl thoughts; thr. heart is not ta- ,ken up fo much wi rh the glorious re- . ward ofGod inH~aven, · thatfpidtuaJl and ftapernaruraU glory there, as with · fome prefent felfi-goed here; wbereJs , F.-ithisaltogether forfpiritualf and fupernatural. good~ it .carries the fnule beyond .prcfent things , that are onel y futable to n·1ture. Fourth! y, where pride is the principle, there is no good got by fufferiogs, the fqule doth not thrive under them, it dothn<i>t grow in grace by them, it ' growes not to a furth~r infightin God,; ' wayes, it growesnot more holy, more · heavenly,more favoury in all ~ he waies ofit, the l~ftreand brautyofgodlineffe does nor encreafe upon fuch a ·one, hce , is not more fpiritual,he dorh not cleave , ciofer t0 God; he is not more frequent ~· ith God in fecret, he dotb not enjoy ' ·qlOre inward co~munion with God then ~ formerly ; . whereas when our · prilllfiple is r1ght in fu,tfering, th{"re is . ·neve~,.,.