Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

.nev(r fuch th-riving in grace as then; eheli rh"" Spirit ofG.Od,& glory~ufeth eo reil: upon Gods fervants; a godly mafl# (ervice p.rc-pares him for {uffering, a ·d hi~ fujfering prepares him for fervice. The Chu1 eh did never lhine more bright in holindfe, ~ hen when it was under the greatell perfecur".on. F~ frhly, where pride is the principle, , ~· .• 1 . 1 1 rr. 'k Necttmzid_e~ there is not t 1at ea meneue, mee nef!e, nee timide. · qrlie 'nef[e; f1 .. \iCetnelfe of fp !ri tin h~ car... riage otrhefoulei:. fu ffe,~ings,as where Fa ~th is the principle• .Priae c.aufcs;the heart to fweH,and belke~to be boifte. fOUS an'd difquier, tG be fier~e and vex.. ing, bee uf..-: 1t is cro1fed : bur !aith. ,, brings in the Spirit of :fef;u Chrijl, and that was a' quiet .and .rqeeke fpirir i.n {offerings, t!4 the {beep hifore the Jh·earer; /Jhen .be ~ft<i rev_iled, he reviled not again; where there is reviling ~nd giving ill Iltud hum?~ .. : lan'gliage... furely th_ere pride is fiurinbo li~cr {ublime ,. · & {ublimf~ io rhat .hcart. Cyfiri4n (pe~kiog of che ur,bumit~ Martyrs ' .contemni. ~g d:a h ; and_ y r. t nifiin Chriq I r. fti martyr... ~ere ge~t .e and meeke, 1ayes We' fee htU 11onvl~ not that humble loft_ineffe ~ . (Jr that lofty dimu5• . ' hu~ifityi i~, ~ny. b~i_'i~_t~~ .:M~riyrs of . %;~~1;,c thrift, A Cfin{haq dotll never tread tyr. P dO-woe l -- . '