Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

6. downeSatanfoglorioufly, as "hen be , fuffcrs in a right manner for the truth : But it is the God ofpcice that does it in him ; God as the God of peace treads Satan under our feet, but when there is notliing but boifl:erous tumulruoufneffe, bitterndfe, vex1tion, there Goddoesnot ruleasthe Godofpeace in that heart. Sixthly, a proud heart is not fenftble of its owne unworthinefie, that God fhould .ufe him in fuffer ing, or help him through it in any meafure, wondering • at the mercy of G9d, and bleffing his Name, that whereas he might have fuffered ftom his wrath for fin in Hell for · ever, that yet God will rather call him to fuffer for his Names fake: where it is from a fpirituall principle, this will be. Seventh! y, if f.rom 'Thtine glory, then in fuch kinde of rufferings that will bee reproachfultto htm~ and where· there are none tO honour him in them, there ·he fails;if God cal him to fome kinde of fui:ferings wherein he thould be laid-~,_, as-a vile and contetuptiblething,and no body regarding ofhim, or taking no~ tice ofhim, there fufferings would be very