Mofes hil Self-denillO, "' and in that he fayes as mttch, for that . is the.greateflglory to a gracious hc>a:·r, that any thing that _he does or 'ft1ff ·rs 111;y be arceptabte to God, let it app·earcoutvyardly never fo meane and ba.f<:.. . r. ~ - Eightly, if it be vaine glory, t hln greater refpect and honour in fome Or ther tJ1ing will take him off: If the honour in another thing be g ~ eater then that he bath by his fufferings, bee will quickly grow weary of his fuffering~, · afld will find Ot.t fome 6ifti. 'etion or . other to wind himfelfe out of them. 1~ ~apY. who have be. ne taken off this way, have fuftered much a while, but · fi_nding it heavie, and fedng another . way' wherein they thinke they might better provide ·for themfllves,. they_.. hav(!hy degreesfain .off to it, and proved ~are time-fervers, to·rhedilhonour of God, and their owne everlafiing ffiame. DemtU {uff..:'red a while witlr Pttftl, but'at laft.beforfookehim, (lndembrMrd th~ prefent world. · · Ninthly;, when aman is acted by his · pride,there is joyncd with his (Lifferings,· a ddire of revenge, bee wouJ~ if bee could returne evill for evill~ anddoth' as