Mofe~ ~J~ Selft-deni.t!l. 227 where there isa P1inciple of Faith, th'e Sc:>l!lle findes three forts, of Prqmtfos in the Gofpel, with whtch ttdofeth,fr ·m which it fi~~dc:s much helpe: As firft, thepromH<. s ofa[jiftance; fecondly, the Pro>Difes of accept ,2 fJCe ; thirdly, the Promifcs of rewar4, both here and eternaqr h· reafcer: Thefe, Nt~tur•fl: Confience bath no skill in: ir puLs on aman to fuffer but it gives no firength; he goeth to it in his owne firength, Confcience urgeththeSoule, foasitdans nordoe otherwite; doth not alfure it,that God accepts either of perfon or per~ . lormance: it Iookes to pre(ent quiet, having nothing ro perfwade'it, that it !hall at length attaine unto the glori0US reward that God hath promifed unto thofe who !uffer out of foitb for his Name fa t e. , Sc~ondly, Natura!l Cot~fcifnce doth ~. not make a man glad of that light it bath, and· the power and adiveneffe t-hat there is in it; that ir will not fuffer· him to be at· quiet, unldfe he doe denie himfelfe in Koat which is deflre unto him: if he had notthat light w hh h he I ~ath ~ he mi~ht ~njoy himfdfe in hi~ ownc