M o[es hu Selfl-denia!l. ~- own w1y, without that trouble and vexation of fpirit that OOW he f(eiS; he,. · therefo, e oppofe:h and (eckes to ex· tinguHh hislig ';t, rather then to ufean} mea rt ~ to mamtain and cherHh it: but where there js a Principle of F_Aith, that ~oule loves th ,1 t lig1t ir hath ,and olef· feth God [)r it, accounting of it agreat' ·mere Y; and therefore f~( ks by al r mean$ to .maintain and encreafe it, and joyns fide ~·ith it all he can. · · . Thirdly, where r-here is onely a »tttfSrAN Con(ctence_ fuch a o·ne is very hardly brougnt to fu.fter any thing; he feeks to put off the Truth as much as he c;an,that he might not be convinced by it~ there: mufi be wonderfull deare evidence,that he can by no ·means Qlift off, or elfe hee · will never ·be convinced; he will part with nothing, unleffe it be wrung from him with great fl:r<:ngth , ofundeniable evidence ofthe Truth ; it mull: fo fi1 ine upon hi's face, as that be cannot fhut bis eys againfi: it: put where there is a Principle of Faith, itisnotfo, theSouL?be- ~ ing willing and ready t9 yeeld up all it 1s,or hath,to God; it is as w:lling to en· - tcrtain fuffering Truths as any Gther, . - Pfal,.