I · Mofes his Selft-deni4ll. - { Pfol. 18. 44· As foorJe as they hettre fJ/,;,e, --- theJ fha!J obey me. it is a hard thing tQ ~onv . ncea ~an ofa fu1fering Truth,ifhe bath not a fuffc:ring·heart : Many ;nen will fay, if they were convinced, that I fuch a thing were a Trl!l th, that ,fit W ' re a dude that G· d requires of them~ they would ' eddunto il)whatfoeverbe€1me of rhem; b .J t yet they doe not f-::e it to be fo: but the deceit of their hearts l!es he re, that ~: bey knowing they dare not oppofe ir, if they were con vine, d, -and that it w P bring'upon them much trou· bJe,if they ~e toreed tO yteld tO ir; ' her· fore they areu·nvilling tobeconvinced, they !hut their eves againll the li ~ ht: ar.. gume nt~ of ltfle fb engthcan pr~vai le to convince them in ·other things, but here lbong l ight will not ·doe it., becaufe they fore See the hard confequences that ~ando bo- . will follow: but where th(re isafu1fe- tr,_audientk ring heart, a willingndfe ro facrifice all & grata · f 1 h h fc h fi menuft, fa- . (ir the ~ att Trut , ow oon! ow ea te citc~offentitur is {uch a one convinced of any Truth! {erm01tib~ When the mind of the hearer is good, it veri-tatu, '"" Cbry(oft. ealiiy a!fents to the word ofTruth,faks Hom. z.6.in Chr.yfoflome. tMat. Fourthly, a Na,tnr~tll Conftien_ce does .._ r not .·