M ofes hid S elfi-deniaU. ... j not prize an opportunity of n~ffering~ fo as thofe doe .who have a Principle of F11ith .. they go to it as a great mercy, they account it ~s a great priviledge, that God cals them forth unco;and gtVes them opportunity for the tefiifying of their love to his Nlme,and theel(prdting the work _of ·their grace for his praife; accounting ofic the higheft imprqvement thatn1ay be, to lay down aU at Gods feet in a way of felf-deAyall: · the other may fuffcr the fame thing, but .he looks upon his fufferings as a great p1rtofhis mifery,&at the way of Gods providence, bringing ofhim thereunto, as a great evill unto him. Fiftply, a .N'atnrA/l Confti!nce refts in the thing done, in the very \\-"ork ofenduri ' 1g troubles; there doth not appear :th ~ grace of God in the man r;er ot his fufferings,in the carriage ofhis Soule in them; there doth not appe:tre the glory of' God, in rhe enabling of him to go~ th~ough chern; neither is he much foliitousaboutth1t, but onely how he may bear them , and get tnorow them: but F•ithfets on,workall the graces ofGod~ . Spirit, by which the fuffcrin.gs of o~e ; ' · truly gracious are much beaunfied, - ~1~ ~f>lr!t' ~