Mofes hil Se/ft-de~JiAU. Spirit is exceedingly favoury in them. Pfol. 89.17. Itisfaid, Godu thegtorJgf the flrepgth gf I.Ji; flr'llantt : Thou art the glory of their Ll:rength Now this was m a time of great trouble to rhe Church"asappears 1'erf ~8.and fo_for- . v:ard: Butthot~haflcajlff ,sni~Sbhotrta, th1r~ hafJ IJ::er1e wreth witn thy tSn4inttJ' thotl haft m;rde 'lloid the Cwenant o(thyf!rvant, thou htajl prephaned hil Crowne, h1 captng it to the grot~sd; thtJn haft l?roken do;:11ne ~.a hi1 hedge~, ~11 that paffi .6y tlfe ' WIIJ /}oile him,"he il arepr94chto hu neighhot~rs. &c. Yet even at this,time, God giv, s fuch fi:rength t.o his people, as that his Glory iliines·in it: Therefore furely it is more then can be by any naturall worke. . . Sixthl y, a nate~raU con{cience may put aman upon tpe way offelf-denial, but fuch aone accounts the wayes of God hard wayes, ~caufe ofthe troubies he ·meets withall in them, bee is brought · out of love with Gods wayes, and hee is weary ofthem, he is everiforry that · he came into them, and could be con- ' tent ro with-draw himfelfe from them, ' ' ifhe knew how to doe it; but a beleever \ fu~