Mofes hiJ Selft-tlenillfl. and Pfol. 88. from the 38. verfeto 52. we read of Ethan making amoft !amen- _ table complaint for the miferies of the· Church, .and yet he concludes, Bltjfed be the Lord for evermore: and this not formally, or fiightly, but earnefl:ly with much afteetion, and therefore he addes Amen, and doubles it, Amen, .Amen: as if he fhould fay, letthe troubles of the Church be what they will, yet God and his wayes lhall be for ·ever blelfcd, in mine:eyes, in my heart. Seventhly, where there is oneiy a tJ4turaU conftience, fuch a foul~ is fatisfied, rather in ics own peace that it hatb, by yeelding to that which confcience puts him upon, then in any glory that God bath bf that which is fuffered: As he cloth not aime at the glory of God, but at rhe qgieting ofhis confcience, fo he lookes not much after the glory of God that lhould come in 'by his fufferings. · . . · EJghthly, N4tHraO conflience may put a man upon denying of the world, and {uffering hard things, yet the heart is ·never by it cr~lcified unto the world, the inwardlufts are not mortified,there remains s. ... 4. .... ~- ·