Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

8 -- f~ / Mofesbu Selfi-da;iall. - rious inthis Scrip~ ur,e , one who might have lived a moll brave life in the en. jo r m~nt of the highdt honours, the f wee tell plc:afures,the choifeft delights rhar heart could wilh,and yt:t this M~J(es rtjMfed to heecalled the (onne ifr>haraohs d11u~bter~ ThisM ofes ch1o(esrather tl fojfer ~tfflzCiions withthept'f'leof Gt1d;this Mo(ts is contented to be (c~rned & contemnedfor Chrift, hee ventures upon the wratk of the King, and endures it all. ' In this excellent argument of the felfe~ deniall of fuch a worthy of the Lord , we are to confiJer : Firft) what he rdufes, namely, 111 bee acc9unted the fonne of PharAfJhs daughter : for Mofes was generally reputed to bee her owne fonne, andhonouredasberown fonne, buthethoughtit a greater honour, to . be a fonne of Abrllhllm, to come of th~ promifed {eede, to have his pedigree from Gods people, this hee accounts more. noble, and this hce will rather glory in , though hee doth prejudice himfelfin great preferments dignities, and riches, and nl inde of outward glory that otherwife bee migllt have e.nioye<!: