9· Mofeshu Stlft-dehi~tii. remains ftill as muchlove to the world ' as ever thert was , there is yet adroslie ' unclean f pirit within, the corruptions ofthe heart fi il remain in the i ·O ot,ho'-~' foeve r t hey be kept in for aw hil~ , by the power of confcience, fich a one would as gladly enjoy t ~ e atlight .of· tne world as ever , bu r he dare tot: : but where :Fa1th is• ::the pri ciple ;:· ' there the inward co~ru,ptio s of the ;heart are mortified , ·Faith · crncifies· ' ' the heart unto the world, it do~s· not onely.en ble todeny 0 '1e\ felf in out.; , . ward things ' but it changes the very . frame and temper ot he heart; the in~ ward dif pofition of the foule is not after any thing in the creatl~ re, .1 s it was be.. tore, but it is fa.nctified, tt is madt hea- , venly, it 1:s raifcd above any thiog .that , is here below. · . . Ninthfy .wher~rhP prindple is on-ely Nat-NrAlConftierke ~ther~: comt sin no new fupply ofHr. n:nh tn 1 he time of fuffe~. rin~, bufall that .s d ne ,is by the nrfr frrength, th~t put him uppn it, he is all the while {pending his ~·rength, .as an· Armie hat fights without any new fuc-' . ) c_ours: Bu, fo:th'bHr;g~ in new !i(ppl~.e~i' _ . . new