Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

1 ( J• nccdlef)k w~ll to e~-r p~imciple in fuffc - . ring_,, or eJ_ie ·we lo[e the honour of it... Tbat·placc is obfcrvable, Mat •. 1, . 27.30 ltler tds C hnR:p thAt he 4nd the ;•efl efthe . Difliples were tl»tent t1 forfake :;/Jfor h'rn: Well, f4ie~ Chrift, BNt mtmy t/.at art jirjl who fu!f<-r.much tor me) yet H t hey look:no~~cll eo their principk,iftbere bcmixtu(e.. and nature and f~lf appeate in their fuffetings,thiy jball,be lajl,others v-rho fuff;> r not fo,much iliaU be preferr~d ~efore thenl; and cap. :to. 16. he , gives the reafon why many wb-1 ~trej~{l, ,vhoar~ very forward, /haObe lajl, becaufe.• A~J are caUed but fiw are chfJ[i!n·, · - many .tre called to endure hard things · for God,but few are chofcn , tew fuffer fo,astobe accepted as the chofenoces , .of the L~rd.' FAith ·puts an cxceUency upon what we receive, upon what '"ce doe, and upon whar we fuffer; th ~~c- - which we have by F4ith ,is better thfQ, · that we have any .other way~ and that !. we doe or fuffer by Fahh,is be1ter then l_diat whic.h is done ~r fuffc.-ed any o- .ther way~ Tl\e Scnpture m: ·kcs it a great matter that . .Abrah4m {b.oul<thave ·achildewh.en he was a hWldred)ears - · · old..