Mofes his Selfi-de,iall; ~--~------------------- ' i ~43 ! A~ that Heathe·n EpaminondH4, bei fl g daogeroutl ·' wounded with a Sp.,are. , fo that he funke downe as one dead\ but afccrcomming to himfeHe, hea~k· cd if .his Target were fafe, his cb·efe i care wasabout that : ro ilio:.. ld ours he about the Sheild of our Fazth. The De· villlabours above all things againtt us in this; not wha\·men Goe, fo be it their F~ith .be negleCted, Efpecially ths: refore labour r::o firengthen your FJi(h in thde three rhings. . . T t• e firft,is tl;le principall and ground· '· ofaN ,namd y, The affe~rance of y nu r inq:rdt in the CIJvenantafGrt~ce, that you l a:e receiv~ , by ~od in~o thac ~ree . , nch , glonous· qf l lfe tn I Ck rift ; T har now you arc n6t to ftand or faU, by w~at is -in you\ fdves, or · · what comes from you, bLn oy the perfect ri ~hceoufndfe of that blelfr:d Me· diator , who hath un.dercaken your Caufe with God: doubts and £:11res,a.:. l 1 bouttbis·, do much weaken thefpirits of J mea, whC'n troublescorre uponthem.j , .Secondly, in the aJ[Hrttnce of Gods ftl - ,' ,.. , t!Jer(y fove1mte, and cA"fOVeryou , in the j .I r<> rethnd narddl: atHtawns that can ~li r J