Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

Mofes llil Selfi-titlli~/1. 2'4~ your fdf1-, c~mait your felf wholly an~ ondyto your loving Father, thenfuall his power be in you, and make you· , firong~ he fha l~ fet ('JUt his truth by fOU _ wonderfully and workeforyouabove ' all your hea~tca~im~ginc. And obferve thts rule, labour to' ' (hengthen and exerdfeyour Faith, . hefile your bean be too deeply affected with yoQr afHittion. We-ufually have our firfi and chiefefi thoughts upon our. Troubles, ~· nd fpend the firength ofour fpiritsin poring upon them,and tire our ·· · ftlves in the workings of our unbeleeving difcontented fpirits,giving libel-ty "to the reafonings of our Learts, fo that \~re are funke before any promife can come to us, we are not able to rarfe ~p onr {dves, 'Colooke at a promife: But our way fhould be, \\hatfoever our ' condition is ' firft ., to endeavour to fhengtben our Faith, and then to make ourmoaneto Gpd. "' ht sdidEthanP{J. 89 .This Eth4n, 1 King.4.ismentioac:d asonrofthe wi-, fc:O men upon tberarch, and helhewes his wilfdome much in this , that iA a time of the· great affiicHon of tbe , Church, ·