Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

~--------~------------------~~-~ . Mofes hu Selfo-Je»iaH• . fcorne, hee was called the carpenters fonne,as o:1e rhat was cootemprible :he " · · made himklf<! <..'f no rtpu~:uicm, hee cam~ in the forme of a fervant, yea ot an evill fervant that W:lS to be beaten: yea he was made a curf(", as if hee had ~~id m~tgis in.lie;ninn, quildctefla11dumamplius, quid gravius puniendu~, quitm ut vi~ , dens Deum parvulum faCfum,homofc mttgnificet. IntoUerabilu impude~ttia eft, ut ubi (cfi:: cxiUAnivitmaje- (!M, ~erMicultiA infictur &' intume- .fi:.t.t.Bcm. fer. I . de ?tativ. 6. beene the vilefl: of m~n: and yet this was the glory of Chnfi himfclfe, becaufe ic was all for. God, and good of foules: who Is he then, 1 that knowes any thing ofJ~[usChriH·,that !lnll rhink much to ,lay down all the honour of nobilirieof birth" or any outward dignirie u'1dtr heaven for him~ I ~ is a n:•- ta~le ~xprdli3n that fJe.rn.crd i'n a Jcr~ mop upqn the binh,.,J>f Chd!l Jltth :. .:w.h_at ce1n ~mg.r~~uwgr hy..: \'d1?t · m or~ dtt~Jl~hJ~ ~.~v 11~\ dffervi n,g, !ll 1Je gr,ieyoll.~ ,fZunLQJ,men.rs__, tb~ n .t.bat. ~man ihould magnlfie himfelfe fter het ha rh I ktne ;od~fitlrr11, e:·.. ~ · tt iso1to Iierable ' it~ pudet~~~ . th~'"~c' r. . ~ h~J1 ~mr.w~~!§fd!~worme ili9tJ.ld be~ pu e3 ~~~na iwell!. _ · txfry;tt~eesee godly, God harh hono\]red us w:hh a higher btrth then what we have by blood from our ancdl:o: s ; God bath given us a l>1rth .· from