~nto who.rn he made this anrwer; M on w:or~hy Prince,1 am alwaies. P.rompt, and rea_dy .to obey, for as.much .as ! ~now you an appointed Minifier of God ,u,~to y~u(next _tb y ~~ernall G'd) l owe iri y_ whole ob~dience,and fubmit thereunto as I have do~e~ ~yer .ready at ~ll.times. tQ .fulfill ~hatfoev~r you iliall in the, Lord C9mmaqd me~ ;, .but as touching the Pope ~nd His. f p~~ituali:· ty, I owe t~em ,ncich~r fuire, ,nor fer.. · vice, for asmu<;Has l Iinow hi91 by F~~ Scriptu~e to , pe ~~e , gr.eat ·1ntifh(ift, : · the fonneofperdlnon,the opepad.yer- . ·fary ofGod, arid the,abomination fiaridinginthe holy pl~t~~ , r :' . 1 This was in the darkndfe of Pop~ry; · above two hundred years a:goe.~ : . 1'h~ I blood.. t.hirfry .Papifts never left till . ' they got his blood, prevailing widi the Kingtoconfentto his condemnation, ' and when the fentence of his condem.- nation was read, the ftory faith, That· this worthy noble tria n with a the are~ full counteflaN:e f pake after this man- !ler ;'Thou! ··.·. :y. e jud.ge my body, wh\cb l 1s but awre · ·ed tbmg, yet am I cer- , ' J tain• and Ui~, that you can dhar!~ • ----~~--~--~------~~--------