Mo'fes ~n Setfe-denyall. 33 . \' .ha.rme to my fouJe,no more then could S.1than to the foule of fsb ~ he~e were I nudy noble' fpirits indeede, fhewing their nobility by retufing of it) by be- . ing will1ng to deny it .for Jefus Ch~ift• Oh that God wo~ld ratfe up many noble fpirirs that fhall be thus willing to deny thrmfelves. Asludg.; ·9QMJ heart u towttrd thegovernours ~ftht 1eople, that offa·td themfelves wrOingly among the people : ble({e yee the Lord; the eyes and htarts ofGods people are ~fter you · rhe n~bles an~ ~overnours, if ye pffet your fdves w1lhogly , how lhall our hearts bee enlarged, and our members op:ned to bleffe :he Lord. ·As Igpatim , faiJ concerning Chrifl: ; my antiquity ·is Jefus Chrift : fo let us fay of him; our nobility is }:fus Chrift·, £hewing eAntiquitM mett, le{~ Cbrifteu,no::. bilitM no:. fir~, Ie{ur- (;hrifteu._ .this, that we indeede are of the royall feede, thlt wee are of trudy noble blood, t~at we have the blood ofJe- [lJS Chrill running in our veines, that raifes our fpirits t:1rre above whatfoever honour our naturall births have raifcd' us unto. ..· . . . . Itwereable1fed thing, ,ifthofe who are of noble pa~entage, yet in the ~aufc: D of • I I . I