Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

Mofes hil St/ftienia/1. glory in our parents: we iliould do no- · thing unworthy of our ancdl:ors. · It is ·reported of Boltjlafl4 ttl~ tourqt1 King of Poland, that he u(ed to have the piaure ot his father hanging about his neck, fn a plate of gold, and when he was to fpeak, or do any thi ~ 1 g ofirnpor.: tance, hr took this pich1 re., and kiffing it)faid;Dcare father i wifh I may not do . any thing rct1)iffely, unworthy of thy name. Oh that nuny of our nobility, whofe ancdtors have hec;n famous for . - godlindfe, would often have {uch : thoughts as thde; that they would oft confider how unwonhy of ~he name of their noble ancc:fiors thofewaies art"", in which now thty .walke ! Certainly our parentage is a mighty engagement · Nihilailud umo us for noble{lnd vertuous actions~ video inn~- . l d fi d bilitate ap- I .ke not~ing to nobi iry to be t tre , · tetenfum,n~~ faies Hier~m, but that noble _men are ~e;~~~;;!z- confirainedJ>t~ ~kind ofnccdlity ~ not 'Nue..f/itatc to degenerare:trg_m the goodndfe ot conftringmz- their am:dton .'~:~y(' is the happindfe of tur,neaban- .Jf . ,. t. 1- .. d fc 1tiquorum 1 gou y {'<l, ents w~-~e~ t .:c:y. ye,, to ee probitate de- I hone oftheir godlindfe to Jive in their ' ge~crent: • children, to prcftfV\:'tht. lives of their Hrercu.z11. 'l 1 • h fc l l 0~ 'Epift. go(~ y parents m t ,em c: vcs. .Jmr;r';t I f 10 . I •