Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

J M <,ft.:s hMS etfe-denittll. , I 37 ~ i-n his fun:::rall Oration up(;n Theodufitt~ l Theod•flzu ·[: . l . 1_ -' 1 t; b _. ; tanttn Impe- :n~s., that thoug 1 T r;eO:.~!J;ttU ·- gont", ra.tor rece(fii yet h ~~ is not wholly gone, for hce . .t nobu, fed hath le f~ Houoriu:~ with other of his 11011 totu: ~~- . · . h J (i fl' 1 . , celfit , relt ~uldren,tfl whom 1 .eoao ttuadl tves. ! quitenirn no" Oh that it miahr be faid of many of l bisliberos . q · b·1· .h 1 1 {u9s tn qui- our anc1ent rellg10us' no 1 1ty ,t at a • , btt& debem«& though they be gone, yet th.~y are ROt I eum agnofc~­ whollyeone, fJrtl)ey have left their : rc•.Ambr.rn l . . ..., I · 1 1 h. 1 . . h 1 obzt. Tbeod. re ;g1ousrru y noo1e c 1 aren tn w om · ltilLchey 'live ·! b!.lt wve unto us , how nl'.lOY of tbem are gone, yea they are whoH y gone, nothint, ot rheir true no.. biliry is kfr remaining in th:ir fJmiJy, but onl v cm oty ri ~i fs. . ; Ifmeann,dft of ,parentage b-:a dilho... nour to a chUd, what di!honour then is 'the wick~dnefs :;; fchild rento noble pa· I rentage.lt wa-s the{ pr:ech ()f one bt it1g Mihidtduocohtemned for his mr: an birth, TD me, ri{u1litarmfa i. th he1rtJ1 parents 4-'r.e!l ~ ade lt£l:fkrate~b1,1t ;:~~!~ib:~ we are a difgrac~ l:lifA}our parents, and Meli~ eft which in our confciences doewe think de mrtem- • to be mo£leligible ? It is bette,r, faies ptibili eta- rum fieri , Chr1(. tO be famous fro~ . a COOtetn• qz;4mdecla:- . ·ptiblefamily, the£ltobe contemptible }'o gene~be. r:. · f.' • l . . ".t CQ1ztemptt z- •nOrrl a lamous tamtl 'j : f US 1S the pn.. lcm eJJe~ viledgeof a truly noble vertUOllS life~' chry(. iu p 3 ' that Mat. 4• --~----------~- ' ,