I ' you too fioop· unto it, rhat it lhould . be. thought a ll::1ine to your honours: oh no_, it is finneonelythat fpots and ' fl:aine~ yonr honours, Take d of bejp~ :.au'll~~~l !$[;~~-- n · -tU~~Y ?ervtc~ ~f,pts sJu.~.,T~~.ll ~Ce,.,!J~JP~ane~. wor eso tr, sagreater ono~rto on h t 0 --:a n. 5ek*<f~o {sttle un fiapplne e o many w ""o are of birth and qJJality )they lofe much fpirituall good that they might have , in communion with ~ ods !ervants in their gifts and graces, becaufe of that d~fi:ance that is be.rwecn them;&although fomeduties of religion are raken up by them, which may in their owne thoughts ftand with their honours, and corref pl)nd with thd r friends ofquality 3 yet otherduties are looked at as too low, : as praying in their ~amHks when o- ~her helpe is wanting, infiruetins {ervanes, leaving unnecdfary occafions and !ports, to attend upon the preach· · ingot t~e word., calling over what of Gods minde ha rh b ?en made knowne to them. · The Holy Ghofl:fctsit out as an add ition-t o the honout:~ ot thofe · · ~,able me~l(>f ~er~a> ~{~s 17. U. tt..hat 1 , ~~,cy