Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

and le "' hicJ.t .whUe it ~s ligl}t it p~tb fom: lu{he and at not~ J~ygur bu~ .. w ·en ttfs ou~;f~mks:· fo... !JJ<zy~rd ex ~- nct~r~ •.w1hle t e __,are as lt were en 1o·hrneCi \Vlth grace a<.~ded to them, / and~ holy 'tife ofthem, they have fome lull:re, and ire defirable, but cake this a.. way,howfocver r:heymaya,ppeareroa, , eamall e J~ e; yet they are' indeed but as a c0ntemptible fauffe, unfavorie~themfdves, and making thofe who have them unfavorie in the noll:rils ofGod. And confider yet fu!ther, what}e;US - Chrifl: hath denied for us, if ever we be faved by him. He came from the bofomeof his Father, and from tb~tt i11j· site glory he hat/ rvith him l;if~re the world w.u ; for fo be prayes, John 1 7· that the < Fach~r woUld glorifie· him with that glory bee. had with him, before the world was: He left the Fiches and pleaCures of heaven) and chafhonour which hec might have had fron1 Angels and men, and all to fave poore, wretched,· ·-finnefull creatures. ~ And la!Hy, God hath greater prefer- : m~nts fQr us, theo all thefe things here belo.w ea a afford, if wee have hearcs to I I denie --------~~~~~- .. ~0--;~%~~~--------