Mofes his seifc~denitt!l. · lafi:ingly ~if this be not enough eo· fadf.. · fie our hearts for ever. ' I (.: fL~ p • . I 1 I. \ How Hononrs, Riches 1 and t~fl delights. . i»hatfoever, are to be dmyed for Chrij. ,w· Ear~todenyth~fefor ~hrift .• · Fu:fi, by gomg on 1n the. .waies of godlineHe it1 the ftrictnelfe ~nd power ofthent,'thou'gh all thde be • \lazardcd; keep wee on _out way, and patfe not fo·r them}ruffGo~ with' them; tf we do fiill enjoy th~m, fo it is; but if .not, yet maintaine a con(tant !lrong r~ : (~lucion of kce.pi~'g.on,i:n the waies of ·Gods feare. Thu~ dtd D4nit'l, \vhen the Princes and. Nobles watched him., in the matter ofthe Lord his God, yet he· abated not one whit, he \vent on in his I courfe. ~qtWi:rhU~nd '~n~. all the bazar~ 1 hew~~ tn: the ,co9fiant.coQ~fe p_f godhneffexl)commump~ wnh h1s God;was ~}lOre f weet a~d precious., to pitl) ~ tJ1'0u- .(and fold~ .• then' air his .Coli rr prefc;r- ~ents, and plea:Curcs· ibat hee did, or : might fitrther cnj,oy ~: How refoluiel y F did ; ;· I ' ~ - ~------------------~----~----~