Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

'I 9 I he Reader. _,_____ - ·-- - ---- i . may rife; they bl~ft;.ll o~1ers w bea~tifie them.. !--- . fclves : .But God in JU bee hatn mad.: tnem ' · odious evc:n among Papijls as wdl as Prote- ' fta»ts. \.. · Great felf-feekers in a Church or ~tate ever gain great hatred. If men will po.llut~ Gods worirup with {heir devices , he Wtll _ make chdrnames to il:i~k. Noth!n~ makes us more Honourable in rheews ofGod and man, then the advancms of his ~orihip., and prderving it uom<xr. It umporals come in the plac~ . of etern~l!, and chat WtM:h is m.ms ~ infh:ad of I · . that which is Gods, (;oj. will m,ake tht Au- I \ thours ot {uch evtll contemptible befor;_e all the people, ·Mal. 2. 8. '9· It is not unknown how divine providence proceeded againfr the Da:.. nifo Prelates; Had rhey denyed themfelvcs, main rained the pure Worfuip o( God·, fought the pub like good of Prince and people, they might have frood to this day; but becaufe they, Were !hamefuUy wicked , and fought chemfelves too much, they were wholly cart aut by ~rinc~~ and people, in the year I n7• Self- ! fhrytctt4 .. ftckJ:n .!f,'· JS /elf-und~ng; Abfolom and A4o- 1 cbrou.sa. ,, niah, whilefr they fought themfdves >they lofl: ~ their lives. · T~e ~rgument of this Book ' is ftlf-dcnyal(,' ahard, yec a fafe leffon; it is no other then I Chrift taught and prad:ifed.; If a11y man will 1 be my Difciple.., let .him d. eny h,imfe!fand. jollowmc,M.uth 16; 24. thttres thedoftrive,fee his ' pr11Clifo Lf_Qp. 6. 1 • when . they woUld I make him ~e YlA£ raW!; ' th:!. <J~eatges . . . wa