Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

Mofes "his Selft·dtlliAil. 7J ,againft God, but for God. 0 that you had ~ut fo much liberty to yourfpirit~, ;ts to bc:thinke your fdves, wherefore 'God bath raifed you above others.: but ' t4fo1J and rlligi~~ arc ufuall y drowned. ~-· in thefe in their feofuallluR:s:they think they have enough in their honours; and r in their pltafores ,to commend the~ ,a,nd Jnake them happie \ but as for religion, thatisforprivaremen, who have nothingdfe tocomfortthcmfdves in: EvenSenec4a heathen had this complaint I concerning their religion in their times: 11 • Holinej{e,!faies he) pitty, And foith, 4re . #'::a/';j_ privategood things : It feemes th~t even I 't14t4 bon• then thofe that lived publikely in the I (unt. sen. . ld ., h . h d 'd 1. h tn ThJtftt. wor : ~11: t eu onours an e 1g ts, they thought their pompeand glory to be iuffi:cient, and that they needed not ·the hcfpgf vertue to commend them." \. _ It w~~ likewife the~omplaint of Luc4n; ! E~e&uuli. Let htm goe from t~e Court, that in.. I q~ivo~e~ tends to bee pious : vertue and great t zttf :vtrtllf, · . , . &{umm£ . powercannot agree together. But is not poteftMnlln .9-P ortupit . ot fuvi~~r Go aria coeun.t.Lu~ h; 1· , - · · d ~· ' y' -- ean.lzh.S. JMS,, p~J>~~, .~~~~~ .~~ a~J'):.OU :, _ , o~ can have~ 1s not tlie cxcefleng of anyl . ~~:. · thing you have abov~ others, i? this 1·-- -·~I _ .- . _ efpectally, ;