Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

So S4beiiii:11f&' i1z "bisHijh • Mofes hiJ Selfe~deniAU. ·might have the object of poverty He~ fore him to btho~d, that thereby hte 1 1 might moderate his. affed:ions in his great fortunes~ ) A.ygol~nJus anfwered ;· and is it fo that I fee the fervants of your God doatbed in fuch filthy cloa... ·thing, and yotu fervants iliining and f cloat hed beautifully, I inde~d ddired that I might be baptized, and to give my fe!fe to the fervice of your ~od; but now·I am.farre of another minde, when I feet he fervants of your Godfo,' ill tntertained and provided for. This offencedayly keeps off many, but the converfion of great ones would bring ; on not onel y multitudes of other peo~ pl~, but other great ones alfo. It is reported of Lr~cim King of E11g- . lAnd, who was the firft Kmg that ever . by his au thoritie dl:ablifued Chrifiian . religion inhis l\.ingdome; which is the honour of our couatrey, it was·che firft. Kingdome that ever had Ch'nftian Re- : lig1on dtabliiliedby the fupteame Ma~ , gift rare. In the firft entrance into' the . King dome, he favour~d Chtiftlan Re- , . ligioo., as an ancient hifl:orian, Gi!JtH 'AibaniH& reports: but yet the Religion be