Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

he was brought up in ftucke fo faft in him, that he could not be brought off wholly to embrac~ Chriitian Rdigi.: on. And a great thing that hindered him,was the offence he took at the out.. , ward meaneffe and poverty ofChrill:i!" ans ; and ef peciall y he Iooked at the Romanes, who were aglorious and viao-. ous people, and the :EmptrOIP' there, whG lived in fo ·great glory and profperitv; and he confidered with him.. fdfe, that they did not embrace Chri- . ftian Religion, arid wherefore then 1hould he: But after hee learned from . from the Embaffadours of C&for, that . fome of the noble and chiefe of Rome, . as by name Trebellim and Perti11ax, and others embraced the Religion of Chri- · ftians,; that the Emperour himfdf was moved with that miraculous Raine, ·. that was caufed by the prayers of the Chrifiians ;. then Lu&im attended more " fully to underftand what Chrjnian Re.. , · ligiqri was, and was taken offfrom that ~ · : whichfo~merlypind(!red . him. Where-,, ~ upo.~ h"e fcn~tp f.leutherit#, then Biiliop : 'of Rome, E/vtmmand Medin114 his Em- : j baffadours, to fend him fome tQ in-. · , · · · ,, ·-G· ·.- .. · , · · ftr'uh · . , ' ,, .. . et ai f '