r\11 ofcs hiss elft-deni4ll. · they wilJ fubjeS: themfdves to moft ford id thin0 os, t6ac .othe>r-wife common Eutropftt.s &mu,hus, hamanity ·would loath and ab~o~re. avud eArcaM There is a ne;> table example f9r thiS In a dium in }re- .relation that . Cont7en ha:thin his bookc tio fidt, aula? " '\:: reffor, pu- that he iotitles .Aul4 /}fetllflmiin the I 56. dendP4, ap~gt,: ~f one PutrotJius, anEflnri&h, hee vareu& I d crudclw, {rtt- · was the.governourof the Court, at:l ·. do d brts 1!;.. ;had iri cx,~eding honour, butfc1vbured favc b 't,?L•- and preferred ?nel y fuch; ~hicb ~~~h~r ~;;~ ;;~rf~~ were~lready, .or were .W:lllmg to make & tibcrh ·them felv.es E unuches .. .like .. himfelfe; viritiwcrn h . r. . . A h . l • d de11rd·~ \ w . erup9n,,at.;~my ut or~mu tltU es fu(ti.i... act!~ ofmen made th~infelves i.D:d their,c~il... ifU ar~f11!'" I \ dren EHnuches ,that. they mtghr.obtatqc; ~are'it) atqltc . h f" f . ·. .. . db . ·r. d "·d optat:H t e avour o Et#roprt~s)~n e r~1e ~ t o d gn ta,dc~ ·.J?rcferment by h:m, and tiuny ofthem v.. h~re •tur, r: dY.C:~ oft.h~ W?U~.~s t~a~:: '~ete made ifi: ~;%~!::~~-- i ·their body. rhus you Lee· what the ncrc cbz-· · . power~f th~ (:OUQtenance and favour crunr• . ~f g~earones i~,which men !Cek, by be:- . tng hke them ~io ~ny oafe wayes.: And have.we no~ .ni~ny fijll that W,ou!d bee content to prq{Ururc. themfe~ves~ their :. ·~ (Qules, and tbdr bodks,· in the moll . . ' Qlatneful~ waytf\~t can,be,to o~tain the . ·favour of ;thQfe·. }Vh? are great~ to get .. :preferm~nt by them; willing to let hu- : : · .G z- ·.. manitie,