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'8 8 The Rare Jewel of Cbriftian Contentme~t'~ . ~ ··,butthey (hould bear their fervice .upon their thoulders ; ~ that's the reafon why Goc;J was fo dtfpleafed , becaufe . tha·t they would have more eafe in God's fer vice than God would have them ; for whereas they thould carry it upon their. thould.ers, they would carry it upon a cart ; Mark here , you fee the firll: burden that they bad, beyond what the other Leviw had. · And fhofe that are under them think not of their burden that they are to carry upon their thoulders , when as other bave means to eafe tbem ; and many times thofe that are employed in the Miniflry or Magiflracie , that Gt at the Stern to order the great Affairs of the Commonwealth and State, . you think they live bravely : They lfe awake when you are afleep; i( you kt~eYY the burden that lies upon tbeir Spirits, you wc'uld think tbat your labour and burden ~vere very little in comparifon of theirs. z. There's another burden of danger more than the refl, and rhat you lhall find in N_urnb. 4· 17. And the ~(ml {pll~e uNto Mofes .tnd llnto Aaron faying,CNt yt not off tbe tribe r,f the fa- •ilies of the lCoh111thites from Among the Levites,bHt thus do unto the, thAt they mr.y live ·and not die :when they approAch unto the mofl holy things, Aaron and. his Sons fhall gain am/. appeint them e~try ~ne to his fervice and to hir burdm; but tFuyfhal/ n11t go in to fee when the holy things are covemJ.,lef/ they J,.Mark this text:- faith the Lord to Mofes and Aaron, Cut ye not off the Tribe of .tbe family of the Koh~tthites from among the Levitts. Cuphem not off,why?what had they done? had they done any thing ami is? No) they had not done any thin-3 that provoked God :· but the meaning is this;Take a great care of the family of the Ko·h.uhites to in!lrutt them in their duty that they were to do ; for (faith God)tbey are in agreat deal of danger ,bei_ng to fef've in the moll: holy things :If they thould go in to fee the boly things more than God would have them, it is as much as their lives are worth, and therefore if -you.!hould but neglett them , and not inform them throughly in their du,ty~ they would be undone: Sa-ith God, they are t{l adminifler in the mort holy things , and i.f they thould but dare to prefume to do any thing othenvife than God would have them al:iout thore r ervices , it would coil: them their lives ; and there