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The rare Jewd of Chriftian Gonterttmehr. 9 ). rituall way, tne uni~<nfality of providence in every parttcul ar, pa{fage from morning to night everY, day; that th~re's .n~t any _ thing that doth befall thee, but there sa hand of liod llllt, 1t is from God, it is a ri)ightY. furtherance to C0ntentrnent. Every man will grant the .t,r"u~h of the thing that it is f0, but as the Apofile faith in Hebrew. I I. 3. By faith w~ underftand thttt th~ worlds were mAJe, by faitb we underHand it ; Why by Faith ! ' we can underfland by reafon that no finite thir.g can .be from it \ felf, And therefore that the world could not be of ·1r felf, bur we can underfland it by faith in another manner ·than by reafon. So whatfoever w~ underfiand of God in way of Providence. yet when Chri!l cloth take us into his School we come to underlhnd it by faith in abetter manner than we do hy reafan, z •. Th~ efficacy that there is in Providence-·; that is, That the? providence of God goes on in all thingg with ftrength and power and it is not to be altered by our power; let us be difcontenred, . ar.d vext at:~d troubled, and fret, and rage, yet we mull not · think to alter the courfe of providence by our difcontent Some of Jobs friends faid to him, Shal the el4rth be forfaken for · thu,tZnd fhall the· roe~ be removed OfJt of hiJ place? Job, I 8. 4·- when they faw him to be impatienr. So I may fay to every difconcented impatient heart, Whac;lhall the providence of God change its courfe for thee? , Do'fi thou think it fuch a .weak thi11g that becaufe it dotb not pleafe thee . it mull • al'ter 'its courfe: Be thou content or not content, the providence of God w-ill-go on, it bath .an efficacy of 90rVer ab cl Yer,toe, t0 carry ·all ,thingsJ>efor.e -it: Canfl: thou make,ooe .ha-ir 'blat:k~or white w.ich all the fiir -c-ha-t thoukeepeft ?· When ,yon ·are in 1 >,t Ship at Sea that hath ajl het ~a1Is fpread with )a full gale of wind~ and twiftly1(ailing; Can you make it lla~d £till with running{up.and ,down in the Ship-? :NQ mere can you make the providence of God eo alter and chaqge its courfe with your ::v:exing a.nd fretting, but itwiH ge .On with power do w.hat thon dnft., Do ,but vnder{hnd the povvet and efficacy of prov..iden~e and ·ic: will be ~a- mighty means for the helping to ·learn rhis Iefior1 of Contentment. ·· l·· The infiiHfe.vArittro/tht"WO~~~ of providenc~,. and y:et the ~··, mler