Burroughs - HP BV4647 C7 B87 1670

'fhe Con tent$, Pag. ' ·. Pa~ • .z 7 here is mueb btii!Jty 1[ gr~a The ~arks of Gail in C onver-• • t . I 04 . . Jion. ' 3 Excel, rbe Sotll iJ fitted to I To ma~e tU fm(ib/e of the t-vil r(ceivernercy I o6 in fin 1,13 -+ Excel. It is jitted-tl do . fer- 1. .Afight of. the Excellent-it.of - vice · I07 CbrifJ 1b~ 5· Excel. Cont-entrmnt delivers 3 T4~ing the heart from the from temptAtion Io8 Creat11re ib. 'Excel. It brings ~tbundance 4 CA{fing the f,u; on Chri{t forof comfort. U o 11Dgsod - ·. 114 7 Excel. It fetcheth in th11t 5 Sr~bdui11g the SoH/ t4 Chr:i/f which we pojfefs not I 11 aJ King 1b. In four Particulad. 6 Givi»g t~p the {M! to God in SERM 0 N, VII. _______ _..~.----- ~Excel. 'Contentment 11 greAt bltjfing of God nprm the SoHf . II5 9-Excel. A cmtentedm>tn may_ txpdt_ murd II 6 I o. Excel. By C gntentment tht Soul comis neArift theE:~­ cd/mcie of G1J him(.elj I I 7 Ufe I T11 be h~mbleJ (Qr want of Conte ntme.nt. II-8 The tvils. in a mflr11luring Spirit. . !, lt is an argNr:Mtnt of much Glr-. rHftion in the foul I I 9 2 It is Amu of 11 r~ic~ed tJJIUJ . I;l-0 3 Mur;,uring i~ accoHnted. ;ebtllion I 2 I 4--It is exceeding tont.rary to l_[MI iN 60fl'tllrjion J 21 Covmant Il5 5 Evil llf.urmfir/tJg belo11 i! Chrifhr:m . n6 I B'elmv his Relation. 1 I To God tlJ 11.- PAt.he.r · ibid. 1 To Chrifl 11s a Spou/.e ib•. 3 To Chrift as a Member ·•IZ7 4 To Chrift as a CrJ-heir ib. 5 To Gods Spirit . 111 : aTemple ·- ---- - ibJd. 0 r~~ A.ngt/s ) IIJ Oltl rtitb them._ . . ... ·:- ibia. 7 To ~~i nts; 111 a[ tlJe fu·mt b,... J.y • ibid . 2. Belo1v b~s Dignity. . Every Chripi""" King uS 3 It iJ be/o;" rhr_fpir it of' 11 Cbrijli(ln · H9· i BeJor~ th~ profejfim of 11 Chrifl ian ' I'3 I;. 5 8elm the :rAce: of F1ith ' ',· ib·id. · SE R~