Burroughs - HP BV4647 C7 B87 1670

I 14 The rare Jrwd of Chriflian C~tentmenr. Soul but this, the Soul that wnbefore feeking.for Conten tment: in the world , and cleaving to the Creature, novv the Lord calls .· the Soul out of the world, and faith,Oh Solll, thy happine[s is not' he re, thy.refl: is not here, thy happinefs is elfewb~re, and thy ' heart mutt be loofned from all thete things that are here>bel01vr m the Norld; and this is the work of Go:d in the Soul eo difin .:.. gage the heart from the Creamre , and ho'IV contrary is a murmu~ ring heart to fuch a thing : a thing that is glued, tQ another you· cannot take c.ff, but you mufl rend ic ; fo It's a-Ggn thy heart is gl ued to the world, that when God WJuld take thee off, thy ' heart rends,if God by an affitetion ihou!d come to take any thing · m the ~vorld from · thee·, if thou canH part from it 1virh eafe · without rending, it's a fign then th.at th Y. hearti3 not glued to the · \Vorlcj, · .4· A Fourth Work of God: in com~·erring · of a finner, 1~ : . thts , 7 h~ ca/ling th~ Soul upon T(fu; Chrift for ll!l itJ good : I fee Jefus Chrifl: m the Gofpel the Fountain of all Good, and ' God out of free Grace tendering him to me for life, and for fa! vat ion , and now my Sool cafts it felf; rouls it felf upon the infi nice Grace of God-in Chrift for all good ·;·nowhaft thou done · fo ?: hath ·God converted thee,and drawn thee to his S)n to.caHthy Soul upon him for all thy-good, and yet thou difcontented for the want of fome little matter in a Creamre..:. comfott ? Art thou he that ha£1: call thy Soul upon Jefus Chri!Hor all 'good? as· he faith in another cafe, Is this thy Faith? · 5. The Soul iJ/ubdtted to God; and then it comes t9 receive · Jtrus Chriflas a King, to-rule, to order and difpofe of him how, he pleafes, and fo the heart is fubdued unto God . No1v how · oppofite is a murmuring difcontented heart to a heart fubdu.ed to . Jefus Chrifl as a King., and receiving him,as a Lord to rule and difpofe of him as he pleafes. · 6. There is ·in the vvork of thy turning to God the-giving up· of thy [elf to God inan everlaftmg·Covenant : as thou takefl ChriH the Head of t~ Covenant to be thine, fo thJ!l givefi up · thy fd f to Cbrifl • In the work of Converfion, there is the re~ fignati on of the s; ul ~vholly to God in an everlafl:ing Covenant to be his • haft thou ever furrendred up thy felf to God in an · ev·erJ afl:in'e Covenant ?·then certainly this thy fretting, mur- - ~ pmring