Burroughs - HP BV4647 C7 B87 1670

The Contents. Pag. Pag. 11 Plea-. W1r/J 190 } have bun in 11 bmt"onditim . 7 It hath bun tht conditi_on of l T hy eye jhttul~ mt be e?Jil,be- our betters I 9I cAH[e the eye 1{God kAth 8 We were once conwtt 11ith tht bun good ~ 82 11or/d 11ithot11 grAce , 1111~ ~ Profperity WIU to prepAre t~u fho~ld now with gr11ce -withoNt f~r4Jiillion 1b. .theJ¥or!J 193 12 Plea. 9 Whe14 r~e h11d Co~tentment 1u JAm cr1(t, lljttr r»Hth p11ius. gave not God tlu glory ib. 1The greater the croft,tbe more I o Experimce of Ci~ds dti~g_u.r the obeditnct 184 ' g~od il_f ~<ffliaions . 1b1d. 2 Tily p~tins fhoN!d. _be 7fith [11b- D1retbons to Cotitentrmlft. mi/fim lfJ G1d' 19 5 I Thtrt mu{/ bt gract to 1111ke 3 C1nttntlltl't in {~tch 1Uondi- · tht [oN/ /}t~ttly 19) tio• i111 tejlimmy of mere' z Not to gri;t tH mHch of ~he toveto God ibid. wor/J. 1b. J 3 Ple2. 3 H4Vt ~tAll in evtry bujinefs ·Diflemjers •f btart AUOHif~ed 196 11s 11ord.t btfore Got/. 1b. 4 Walk by rule ibid. ~-~-----~- 5 E>.:trcifc 1tllllchfaith 197 SE R M 0 N X I. 6 Lltbtr to bt fpiritHiflly mind- .· -- '. ed 198· Con!ider2t10ns to r¥Or~ the 1 p . r 1 r / gr t b roms1 t no your 1 t ves ta .tArt to Cor~tentrnent thin 1 , 2e 8 1 Confid. The ,~rtllttj/ cf tht 8 Ger mortifitJ heArt's to the me rein we havt -: . I ~7 -nor Id -./ ibid. 'lGodi.theforelflndr~.zthus-gr.th 9 p · h .~n · . t88 ore not tOO 11JH( neon ll)j•lWJfrctU , {lions 2011, 3 T ht ~brmd.cnce o£merctu '11t I 0 M 1.. d .fl. n · · f . -· 1 8 .t'<! AgoB conprHwton o eRJ0Y ' . . . 9 God.t WlfJI towards Hs 202 "'f- A /1.-creAtHru 111 " v~~~, I r Rcg11rJ net others fancies, fitude 1 1 . • bHt 11hat we feel 20) 5 the creAttm fujftrs fgr Hs jb. 1 ., B 1 • d ·· t 1 1 1. · . h · .. e no mar tn4 t 'Y a"t!J. ' We have lzttle mm in t 1 'IPith tht cqmforts uf tht ~Par id ze6 SER·