rh~ rare Jewd of Cbrifti.m Contentment. 15 3 nefs enough there to ~re thy difconrentmenr ? Certainly they were not fucb mercies fo worthy to be prayed for, except they have fo much excellency in them as ~0 countervail fome private ailiCl:ions. Ptlblick mercies ue th~ aggravations of private di f· content, as fo of publick difcoment too; ·if we receive fo many publick mercies, yet ~f every thi;ng goes,not in th~ p~blick ac-. cording as we defire, tf ~ve be d1fconrent at that 1t Will ~xceedinolyaggravate our fin, God may fay, 'Nhat lhall I be ll ow fucb mercies upon a pecple,a r:d yet if chey have, not every chir g they would have, they will be di!content t Oh~ it's exceeding evil. So in ra ni cular the mercies rh at concerns thy felf; tby family, if thouwoulde!t confider thou haft a great many more mercies than th q~ bad!t affiiCl:ions, I dare boldly averr it con - cerning any one in this Congregation, fuppofe thy affii&iorrs to be what they will there is never a one of }'QU but that nave mare mercies than affli&ions. , OLjea, You will fay, I, bt you d1 not J.:.1w111 .,h,;t oPJr 4f!ic7ionl (Ire, otn t jfliElions Are jrJ M )IJII do no; eunceivt of them beIRH(e yoH fee t them not? An{1ur. Though I cannot know whH your affiiCl:ions are, yet I know what your mercies are, and I know they are fo great as I am fure there can be no affiittions in this vvorld fo great as the mercies you have: if it were but this mercy, That yon have this day ofgrace anti fa1vation continued to you, its a greater mercy than any afflittion, fet any affiiCl:ion by this mercy and (ee vvhich would weigh heaviefi, this is certainly greater than any affliCl:ion ; that you h~ve the day of grace and falvation. that you are not now in Hell, this is a greater mercy, that you have the found of the Gofpel yet in yonr ears ; that you have the ufe of your reafon ; this is agreater mercy than yQur ~ffJiCt. ions, that you have the ufe of your limbs, your fenfes, that yo1.1 have the health of your_bodies, health of body is a greater mercy . t!Jan poverty is an afflittion ; there is no man that is rich but if he be lVife, if he bath a fickly body, he would part with aJI his riche-s that ~e might ha~e his health ; therefare thy mercies are Y more ' '