4 The rttr~ 'few~l'o{ch;,.!Jii~~ · Cohtentmenr-. p - -· ~ - ,..,.._ • · Thirdly, Wbac Lh9."e 1eff.J:1s a£~· th~t m'u1l be Iearn'd to work the heart to c~nterv·Q.Teli t ~:· ~. ' t "fou~\b!y, ~h~r~in:~ffe . gJq~~tJ.~.s e~c~~~ic1,Ss 1bf,}nis gr~ce " · • · ' qo~li prmCJpaily co·)fi ii ··• · :> 1 "-.. -~J '" · • •• • ' Conc~~n_i ng the firll, t<ik~'thjS' ' ¥~rcripi~911; Cliri/tt~~?~ Con'- tfntmen A, r.r :h~ t / wm, inw,a·d, q~{er , .~r,:; c.fvH! frmne of Spirit ' · 'freeiyfrJ.b1f!tttrttg t.e, ,trr.d' tak!rl{c!in,p (n c~~c..r, irl G,pdt !" ife J and ;Jarber/y'diflw./t]n' fv tty c~l'ld it 'i rl;P· , · , • . .;I !ha-ll p~eakot}e;r t~i.s· ~.(~ripi~~!i1f.ar: 1 t.')i .~ .b_P.x of pr'eci.1t~s Omtment, very cof!Tf6t.rtijff!..alid ~(e.fULhl trbubled he-a\· ts, ih troubled' times and cond1ir8P.'S. · · ; . Firft;Contmtmoit (I ri..}) .is a/riett (im~ard) he4~t-t.hz'ng,it 'is 4 wor~of the [pirit withinif'oor.r: It is n'ot only .a notfeel<mg help-to oud elves tiy 'o:mv'atd violence, or a ferbeahnce qf difc?'orence.a. mub~wrin'g '· C'x£r2!J!dn. ~fi'tj ~rowar~ ff~~o!ct.( ah~ ·c~mages ig<ltn!l'(}~d '6_t otb~ss; ~ ~utli 1_s the 1 , \h. ~rdft: Bft! i t:fibtl ·Ot tHe heart. P'f.tl. 62. I:T~u/y, myf2ul w.att~f~_Hp,fn,God;and ver. 5. My [~stiPNit thou qn/y Npon ,G.od, fo 'J ~ IS"tt1 ro ~l~ Books : but the ·wo,rds m~y l:>e traJ.l~ted as r,ightly,.M/fohl b'e rhc•·J Ji(~nt unt!J Cfo li~. lf.ol~.t~J/edf('q · mJ,[o'u? ~ Not~.Or:l_y~tg~ tongue m~n .hold ~~·s_pe~.ce; ·~btlt ,tfl~/~~~ ll(U~ . ~e·r fi_l~"t .,Ma~yma y ~t Clown fi[ently, forbe·ati~ ~H'r(~ot1tent'e'-d ~~pt~!n?Hs',')Jet <!'re HHV.trdly fwoiien with difcohte ·{ment; no~ tM1s m~n1feltetb a perplexed diltemper and a gre~t frowardnefs in their be~rc.s : ~nd God_ notwir-hlh· ndi~$ · ch~trb~ttvar.d ·fitence hears the r.ee.: vltb'freCUQg Languag~ of their fo-qls. The fhoe tr!ly'be' fmbidth and' .,eat without, tvhilll th~ fiefu i~ ·pitiched vyitbin : l_'tier~ may be much cahnnefnnd llillncfs outwardly, and yet wonderful confufion, bitter.nefs, .di!.lurbance and vexat-ioo Nithin. Some are fo weak that they a·re not able to contain the difquietnefs of their ~wn fp1riri, bUt in :vo~ds and behavionr 'difcov~c I'Vha~ woful perpurbatiorts there ate within, 'their Spiri t~ being hke th~ tagirig Sea t a!1i£!g forrb· nod·liog but mire and dir~. being not only trohblefome to themfelves but to all thofe theY livewith: Ocbeis there are who are able to keep in fuc_h d!~emp~s of kear~, (as tNd~~ d~~ ; when be .b.etr~yed Chti!t ~Jtb a ktfs. )btu ll1ll they boy! mwardlpnd eat hke .a C:m- ·ker::!ias Davidfpeaks concemir.1g fome w h~fe words are fmoother