I 84_ _Tbe rare Jewel oj.Ch~ijfian Cont,enrrne_nt• . ~omfo~t, you ~a~e what you have had before to.be an ~ggrava.: t10n of your affi1thons now., and fo murmu~ and are'difcontent- : ed. That which God gave .yQu :before , ·upon what terms did you hold it .? Did you hold it fo as you _have in your writinE~, . To have 11nd to hold for ever, God gives no fuch thing, God gives to no man .{ I fay) any thing but Grace to run upon that tenour , th~res .is nofuch thingin all God's writin~s for any outward comforts_, To hafltllnd to.hold for JON ~rad your heirs . indeed for Grace .he doth give it to your felves, T" hAve a~d to hold for ever ; though not for every one that comes out of your Loyns to have and to hold for ever ; God doth r.ot give any outward thing fo upon any rcch tenour as that is ; if God gives me nn underftanding of himfeJf, and faith, and humility, and love, and patience , and fucb Graces of his Spjrit, he gives them me for ever.; If he gi"es me Himfelf, and his Chrifl,and his Promif~, and his Covenant, he gives me them for ever ; what am I therefore that the Sun lbould always thine upon me; that I mull haYe fair weather all my days? That which God gives to me, he gave it to me as a pledg of his love, let me return it to him as a pledg of my obedience, there's all the Reafon in the world for it, all that a Godly man receives from Go~, he receives it as a pledg of God's love to him,tnerefore when he comes into an affiiaed condition , faith God, Return to me as a pledg of your obedience that you had from me as a pledg of my love ; we thould cheerfully come in' to God, and blefs God that we have any thing to .render unto him as a pledg of our obedienc~, and fay, 0 it is thy love , 0 Lord , that hath given us any thmg,that doth eqable us to render a pledg of our obedience to thee. When God calls for thy eA:ate, or any comforts that thou hafi , God calls for it as a pledg of thy obedience to him. The Twelfth P L EA. -Another reafoning of a murmuring heart is this. Oh bHt ~tfur I have tlfk._en a great deal. ()f pains for / uch ~comfort, ye~ then I am croft in it, after a gre.tf dtlll of /abor and p-11ins th;~t I h~tve tA~en no-, to be croff, Ob this go~; very hard. . Firfl, I anfvver, The greater crofs, the more obedience and fubmilfton. , Secondly~