., 186 ~ Tht rart Jewel y;f Chrijli41t C~ntentmenr. of the opening of this Scripture, it is not enough for thy tongue t~ be filent; bu't thy foul mufi b'e filent, there -may be a full en · , d1fcontentednefs of heart, as well as a difCQntentedneffe manifef.led in words; and if thou doG but mortifie rbu inward ful1enne{fe, if thou beefl affiiCl:ed a little more, it w'ill break forth at lail. · · And thns the Lord, I hope, bath met with the chief R~A[mingt and P!~as for ou~I difcontent in our conditions. I befeech you in the name of God, confider ofthefe 'thit,gs, and becahfe they do concern your mvh hearts, you may fo much the bettenemember them ; I had thought to have made a little Entra-nce 'into the next Head, and that is fome vvay of helping you to this grace of Contentment, It ~is a moll excellent Grace, of admirable o.fe,. as yol.i have. heard ; and the c~ntrary is very finful and vile. SE RM0 N XI. At Stepney, 06tob. I. t645'· .P. H I L 4. li. For I h11vt /~arnrd in what{o1vtr f/~ttt I am; tbert'tlith t9 br Conttnt. ' NOW we are coming to the cl of~ of , this pa:lnt ofC on- . untment that J e[us Chtifl: dotb teach thofe t!ut ate in big School: we have opened the point unto y~m, and lh~~ed you wherein the ~rt, ·an~ .Skill.') an? Myf.lety 't>f C~r~fi!an Contentmeflt lies : and d1vers things m the way of a.pphcat~on rebuking the want of thi~; ,and .the lafi day I fini~ed that .pemt of (he wino the.{everal Reafomngs of a murmarmg and dlfcon_- tented hea~r. J fhall now. ( .as being de.f'llous 0) ;make ·an end ) leave ¥V hat vvas (aid, rnd pr-o~e·~~ ~~ what tet!!alrns. There are -- ~ - enly