.Tbt rare Jemel of C~ri..{liiS!fJ Corl_teAtm~rn. I 81 · only thefe two things for the working of yottt 'hearts to thi~ Grace of Chri(lian'Contentment. · firG:, The propounding ef feveral CONSIOEHATIONS, for the contenting of the 1-{eare in any affiitl!ed oond'ition. ,. Secondly, The propounding of DIRECTIONS, ; wbat ihould be done forthe working of our. beans unto this. , The FirA: C ONSIOERATION. We !hould confider ( in all our wants and inclinations tG .difco.ntent) Tht greatnejfc o{ tke mercies th,ot we have, and the rneam(s of tht. things tb11t we want. The things vve want, (if we be godly) they are things of very fmall moment i.n comparifon of the things we have, and the things we have are thingt of very great moment; for the moa part, that that pe(\pl,e are difcootent and murmur for the want of, it is, becaufe they have not fuch things as Reprobates have, 6r may have ; why fuQ.Uldft thou be troubled fo much for the want of that that a man or vvoman may have, and yet be a Reprobate, as that thy eflate is not fo great, thy health not fo perfe&, thy credit not fo mach, thou mayft have all thofe things, and yet he a Reprobate ; no1v, wile thou be difconteot for that that a Reprobate may h2ve? I thall give you the example of a couple of godly men meeting together, Am bony and Diddimus, Diddimiu was blind ; and yet a man of very excellent parts and graces, Ambon) ask'd him if he was not troubled at this his want of fight, he confefl he was, but·(faith he) !hall you be troubled at the want ofwhat flies and dogs have,and not rather rejoyce and b~ thankful that you have what Angels haver God hath given you thofe good things that makes Angels glorious, is not that enouih to you, though you want what thing a flie bath? And fo a Chri· Hian thould reafOJ:t the cafe with himfelf, What am I difcon· tented fQr ?, I am difcontented for want of that chat a Dog maY. have, that aDevil may have, that a Reprobat~ may have ; thali I be difcontent for not having that, when as God bath given me that that makes Angels glorious? Ble/Jtd be God (faith the A.. poale in Epbef. I ·3 .) ThAt bath blejfed us with ~t/1 [piritu.tl blefjings in H eavmJy pl~&u. It may be thou haft not fo great blef. , Cc 2. , fings