The rare J(rlel ofCbriftian Contentment. I 9i. another World. Athana(iM r.ith,it is but a little cloud (when he was banifued) and it will be over (nonvith!hnding) prefenrJy: Thefc: affliCtions, they are but for a moment. A Mariner when he is abroad, dothnot think it much if a fl:orm arifes, efpecially .jf h: can fee the Heavens clear beyond it, faith he, it· will be 0 • ver prefently. Cont4der ~ehave not long to live, it may be it , xnay be over.before our dates be at an e~d, but fuppofe it lhould not, death wdl put an end to all, aU affhcboi)S and troubles will iocn be at an end by de~tb. The Seventh CONSIDERATION. Confider the condition that ethers have been in tlut h~~tve bnn our betters. We made fome ufe of that before, 'to tbew the e .~il of difcontentment: Bat further for to work this upon our hearts, it is a mighty argument to work upon our hearts acomentednefs in any wndition. , Thou many times doell confider who are ahove thee,but confider who arc r.:mdcr thee. Jacob that was the heir both of Abraham and lfa"c, for the bleffing was upon him, and the promife ran along in him ,yet wa; - in a poor mean cond1tion. Abraham that was his Grandfath~r, was able to make a kind of Army of his own houlhold,' 3oo to, fight with a King, yet J.zcob his Grand- child he goes over JarJ.m with a llaff, and lives in a very po0r and me~n condition for a long time: and Mo/eJ tbat might have had all the treafures in · Egypt, and as feme Hiflorians fay ef him; Ph!iraohs Daughter adopted bim for her Son, becaqfe Pharaoh had .no Heir for the Crown, and fo he was like to have come to the Crmvn, yet whlt a low condition did he live in when he weht to live with Juhro his F'athetin Lavv 40 years together, afterward when he retllr- / ned to Egypt, he and his wife and cbild~er-~, and all that he had,. and yet fie had but one beafl: to carry h1m to Egypt, h~went in a mean cC~mdition whes he went from his Father in la1v to Egypt back aoain. And Elijah we knmv how he was fed with Ravens-, and hoiV he was fain to fuift for his life from time to time, and run into .the wildernefl'e up and d~wn, and fo did Elijhtt, he .was divers · times.