The &we .Jerul of CbrijiiAn Contentment. t 9! ,.~-"""·~----- . ."fhe EiBhth . C 0 N ~I DE RAT I 0 N. · A further ~or;fideration. m·;y he ~his, That befor, your cmver(ion, befvre God '1Pronght ueon 'your frufls, JOtl were COJ~tmeetl thm with the ·world withont r.;raa, tho01gh you had no intereft in GrJd tJOr Chrift, p;hy can~Jot you nvw be contented with Gnlf:e and fpiritua/ rhings mhbout the f/Porld? If you your felves tVere.. content with rhe world without grace,tbere's rea1on you tbould be content witn grace without the world; Certainly, th ere 's infinitely more rea Cm. Yea, you may fee that many men of the ~vor1d have a kind of Contentment, do not murmur nor repine when the world comes,tbough ~hey have no intereft in God and Chri ct ; Then canlt not thou have as much Contentment with God and Chrifbvithout the world, as they ~an with the \Vorld iVitho:lt God and Chnll? This is wfinite flume it !110uld be fo. The Ninth C 0 N SIDE RAT I 0 N. re~.conjid1r, when Gad h.uh given thu (uch Conuntm!nt,thrm hi!{/ not given him the glory. When God hath let thee .have thy beam dellre, wha~ haH tholl done with thy hearts defire? thou hail not been the _betcerfor it,ic may be choll hall been the wcr.fe many times, and therefore let that fatisfie thee : -I meet 11Vith crolfes, but whe'n I had Contentment, and all things coming in, God had but little or no glory from me, aod therefore let that be a means now to quiet me in my difc.omented thoughts. _ The Temh CONSIDERATION. Yea latHy, Confider all tbe experience that you have had,of Gods doing good unto you -in the _\V ant of many comforts, when God croff~s yo~, ~ave you ~ever had exp~ri ence of abtmdance of good 111 ~ff!Jchons? Ir s true, when a Mi n1ller oniy tells men that God will wo~k good out o( their affl. itlwns> they hear them_ fpeak, and think theyJpeak like good mt:n, buc- ' they feelllttle or no good, th~y feel,nothing ' but pain; but. ' ~hen we cannot only fay to you, that God bath faid he will - D d work