The ~are Jewel of Chrifti~n Contentment. 197 the r:uJe of the W;0rd in it, then let come what will come, God he is to take care of me there. It uvas a fpeech of a Heath:n, ( faith he) if thou wilt fubjett all things to thy felf, do thou fubj:ea thy felf to reafon, and by that thou wilt make all things to be under thee; 1 may adde a little rrt_ore to it, if you will fubjett all things under you, fubje& your felf to God, · and then the truth is, all things are under you; It bath, been that which many times we have hinted, the reaion why many among us are fo flavilh is, becaufe they are willing to be flav~s thernfelves under fome above them, fo they may keep their neighbours under to be tlaves to them : for you know any great man in the Countrey, can crulh any poor man that he is angry wi th-al. If there were an A1bitrary Governmeot, then all tllofe thlt wowld be willing to be Vaffals and Slaves to the Prince, they can make all others Vaffals and Slaves under rh.::m. Now be thou willing to be a va{fai and flave to God, to be abfolutely under Gods command, and then (I fay) all things in the world are under thee,.d/l art yMn (faith the Apofile) Life and De.-.rb, every thing is yourS', and you are Cbr!{ts, and Chrilt is Gods : All things in the world are ferviceabre to that man or wo::nan th~t is ferviceable to God. It is a mighty commendation, of Gods fervice, be thou willing to be ferviceabl~ to God, and God makes all thing) in the world to he thy fervants, for fo th ey are. You will fay, How are they my Servants? I cannot com·· mand th~m; They are fervants in this, that God cloth order them all to work for' thy good, there's nothing in the Worl d but (faith God) it thall work for thy goo 3, and be fervic;cable to tbee,. if thet.t wilt b~ ferviceable to me; who would not be noV'f Gods Servant? SubjeCt thy felf to,God, and all things lhall be fubjeeted to thee. Nmv, fo long as we keep within our bounds, vve are under protechon , but if once we brcai< our bounds, w.e mufl: expea it thould be with us as it is with the: Deer in the Park; while tne Deer keep withrn the. pale-, there are no Dogs come upon them,but they can feed quietly, but let the Deer be got without the p3Ie, and then every Dog in the · Countrey will be hunting after them: So it is with men, let men and women keep wjthin the bounds of the. Command of God. J ·