Burroughs - HP BV4647 C7 B87 1670

::...,_The Rart Je~Pel of Chrijlian Contenthit~ 7:'G7. ~pe~ple thal they GlOLlld never be in Nant a'ny more, but l have been now preaching unto yo:.1 that that comes to as much, that which coum:ervails th1s, that which JS in effect all one. Is it 1~ ot almuH all or;e, never to be in want, or [) ever to be with- ,cut Cvncenrmenr-: chat man or woman chat is never without a couented !pint, truly, can never be 1a1d to wane much; Ob! the Word holds..fo tha way fuU of com '.ort ~nd peace to the ' pe •pi e uf Gud even in th1s World, · you may live happy ln~es i n the mid!l of all rhe florms aud tempe!fs m the World, there 'is a·n Ark that you may come into, and no men in the world may Jive fuch comfortable, cheerful, and contented lives as the Saints of God : Oh, that we had learned .this Leffon : I have been many Sermons about this Leffon of Contentment, but I am afraid that you W1ll be. longer in learning of it, than . I have been preaching of it; it is a harder thing to l'earn it than it .i.s fpeak or preach it, (I remember) I have read of one man .r11ding of that place in tfie 39 Pfa/. I will ta~e heed thM I ~f- [end not with my tongue: faith he, I ~ave been this 38 years a learning this Leffon, and have not learned it througbly. Thetruth is, there are many (I am afraid ) that h1ve been profetfors neer eight and th irty yeau, have hardly learn'd this leffon ; it were a good leffon fot young Profeffors to begin to learn this betimes. B11t now, this Ieffon of Cbriftian Contentment') it is as hard, and perhaps you may be many years in learning ir: I am afraid there be fome Chri(lians that have not yet learned, N~t to ojfuJd grojly with t heir tongrw : The Sctipmre faith, Ail 11 mans Reltgi oo is v11in, if he cannot bridle his tongue; therefore, thofe that make any proferfton of godlinefs, one would think they lhould quickfy leafn this Ieffon; fucb a le!fon that except learned, it makes all their Religion vain : But for this Leff<Jn of Chriflian ConteAtment, it may take up more ti~e -to learn, and there is many that are learning it all the d~ies of their lives, and yet are not Proficients; but God forbid that it lhould be faid of any of us concerning this Leffon, as the Apo- (He faith ofWidows in Ttrnothy, That they ~ere ever learning, & never cam~ to the /tnow!edg~ of the truth. Oh,let us not bee learning this lefton of Contentment, and yet never come to have skill in it. You woulo think it muc;h if you had ufed the Sea t'l\'enty