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ry years, and yet to have attaiped to no skill in your art ofNavigation, you 1vill fay, l have ufed the Sea 2 o or 3o year!, and 1 hope I n1:1y know by ~his time what belongs to Sea; Oh, that' you would but fay fo m relpett of the Art of Chriltianity! 'When there is :my thing that•s fpoken concerning the duty of a ChnHiao. Oh, that Chri!lians c.ould but fay, 1 ha ye been a Cbrifiiar'l thus long, and I hope I am not to feek :in fuch a thing that is fo neceffary for a Chriflian ; here is a neceffary leffon for a Chnlltan, tbat P~tHl [aid: He h111ttl lettrned in all eftatts therewith to be content. Ob! be not content wit~ your felvestill you have learned this leffon of Chriltian Cgntemment, gotten {ome better skill in it than heretofore. Now there is in the text·another Leffon which is a hard Leifon, l have learned to Abound, that doth ·not fo neerly concetn us at this time, becaufe the times are affiittive times, and there is now (more than ordinary) an uncertainty in all things in the Wodd, in fucb timesas thefe are,there are few that have fuch an abundance that they need to be much taught in that leffon4 F I :J\(_ I S.·