Burroughs - HP BV4647 C7 B87 1670

I 1/u rvt Jtwtl of Cllrfli• Contentment 1 g all is ~one, yet flill, l•tht hsM(t of tbt rig~t.IIJIIJ is m11ch lr1A- (ur1 ; the righteous man can neYcr be brought to be fo poor to have his boure riAed and fpoiled, but there will remain much treafure within, if he bath bat a dilh or a fpoon or any thing in the world in his houfe, there will be much treafure; fo long as be is there, there is the prefence ofGod and the bleffiog of God 1fon hia., and therein ia much treafure; but .in the revenueso the "icked there is trouble 1 There is more treafure in the pootell bodies houfe, if be be Godly, tban in the iloufe of the greateA: man in the "odd, that hath his brne hangings,and brave wrought beds, and chairs and fOUches, and cupbords of plate, and tic like; wbar cYet he iath, he bath not fo mush treafure in ic, as iri the houfe of rhe poorc:fi rigthteous foul : tbcrefore in a Yerfe or t"o after my text, no marYel though PAul (faith be) _,as Content, you fhall fee in Phi!..... Is~ Bt~t J hrtt Alt,.mJ ~tbo•ml, J ••fMI/.I have all: Alas poor man!l'fhat hac PAMI that could make him fay he had all, where "'&S there ever man more affiiaed then PAN/ was? many times he had Aot tatters to han~ about his belly, to cover his Alkednefs, he had not bread to cu,he war<iten in nakednefs,and put in dse flocks and whipund ctueliy ufc:d, Jtt J hA'Cit 11/1 (faits Paul)for all that you lhall have it in~ Cor, 6. 10. He profeffe• there, ThAt he Jid Fqffe{s All things, As[oroJJfHl ,]tt Al•~tiu rtjo,; ing, 111 1oor, yet "'"~inz t~~anJ ,.;,J,, As hAving •othing, 11ntl }tt poft/fi,.g AI/ thint,s' but marke "hat he faith, it if, .As hAvint. , flotbing, but it is Po/[e/Jmg 111/ ~hings,he dotb not fay,as polfefiing all thi~gs, but poffefftng all thmgs; it i~ very little I hnc in the world, but yet potfeffing all things : ·So that you fee a C~ri-· fiian hath caufc: to take complac~ncy-in Gods hand, whatfoc:Te·c hia hand be. . Tht Eight thing;,. C1111intmttlt ii'is [In GoJs Jifl n{t] S*b;- - •itti•g to 11nJ ta~ing co•plAt'tnCJ In. Go'~s Jzfpo(t.• Ttiat iS', tbe foul dut bath learned this le'ffon of 'Centcnrment, Ipoks up to .God in all things; looks not down to the i'Afirumc:nts or the· meaot, as fuch aman did ir, and it "~s unreatoniblenefs offach · aAd fuch inftrumentS', and the like bar9arous ufage of ,fudl: and , fuch; b1.1t looks up to God;a contented heartloobro Godsdif- . pofe, and fubmits to Gods difpofe, that is, fees the wifdom of E 2 God